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 2007-05-26 01:29:13   bounds
I just joined this new website. I got a bob not
long ago, but now it has grown out. I am trying to decide if want bangs and how short I want it. I saw alot of cool pics and I think I am gonna go for the bangs. I feel so much better when my hair is cut like this.
 2007-05-26 16:54:03   DoreenYates
Welcome, I have a bob haircut with bangs - I let mine grow out a couple of years ago and regretted it. Now for the last 12 months have been growing it back to a bob, and have now got it just right. Its the best and easiest to keep. And the most popular as being attractive on women so I am told. I feel so much better in myself now I have it in the bob, so go for it girl, thats what I say.
Regards Doreen - England - United Kingdom
 2007-06-01 10:15:05   kare
Welcome! I found this website by accident and couldn't believe my luck! So many bobs to look at! I kinda thought I may be crazy because I love the bob haircut but know I know that there are many many people like me out there. I think that a bob with bangs is really cute and it's very easy to style. Good luck with it!


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