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 2007-06-06 14:34:25   bcgirl
Hi Everyone,
I became a member here a few months ago when I was considering getting a bob after not having one since my twenties. I turned 40 last year (don't feel or look it!) and wanted to look sexy (& cute at the same time) again like I did when I had my bob. I now have a great bob and am loving it! I have this website and members here to thank for helping me take the plunge to have many inches of hair cut off.

Now to my question...I'm feeling totally daft but here goes...
I'm don't completely understand what "Beg" "Worship" and "Submit" mean in the rating section. Can someone please explain these to me?
Wahoo for the bob!!
 2007-06-06 23:15:31   Laszlo
"Worship" is the highest rating. "OK" is the lowest. So from lowest to highest it's "OK", "Cool", "Beg", and "Worship".

We didn't exactly hold focus groups on it. I'm sorry if it's not terribly clear.

And just so you know, the actual rating given to a picture is very subjective, based on all sorts of difficult to describe qualities. Some obvious elements are picture size and quality, and Bob geometry and color.
 2007-06-08 01:49:01   Laszlo
I forgot "Submit" it's one below "Worship".

I've been working too hard.
 2007-07-29 14:35:48   bcgirl
Thanks Laszlo for the info.

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