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 2008-09-11 11:21:33   nils
The bob haircut has been around since the 1920's when in Europe women "rebelled" against society for voting, working, independance (ex. driver's license) , etc... The important "part" is that this came around after World War One when women were forced to work in factories and got "strategically bombed"! This came to the USA eventually. When the depression came around in the USA, women started letting their hair grow again due to scarcity of everything. I found this out in 20th century history class at the university.The book failed to say that women were cutting their hair short in Europe (France) during the 1970's and 1980's again. It is happening in other countries right now! There is nothing that legal prostitution will not fix!!! Keeping people unhappy with a printing press and cutting hair is a profession for some. Cutting throughts is an occupation for others... Laszlo will be on TV for this event if the website goes another ten years, I'm sure! I love the bob !!! Ladies: "Contact me for the big snip!"

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