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 2005-03-13 04:53:51   Rick
Hi Emkat. I just read your story about your bobs and growing your hair out and repeat bobs and then going into hospital for back surgery and getting a bob before.

I have to see a cardiologist about my heart condition/possible surgery on 3/22/05. I don't want to but my MD says it's very important I do.
My hair is mid-back now and close to the longest I've had it. I don't think a grown man should get a bob but I've been having the strongest urge to have my hair cut as much as I love it long. I had to get it cut (with my 2 bros when a kid) by my Dad. That's why I like it long now - individual freedom (to do as I please) and bachelorhood. I think I may be losing both if I have to have heart surgery (for a hole in my heart I learned last year, that I was born with.

Thank you for your inspiring story. I hope your back surgery went well and you are OK now.


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