The Midnight Magic "Alan Freed Jr." Con

Laszlo, 2005, 2012

My name is Laszlo. Back in 2005 I had the misfortune of being conned out of forty bucks by some guy I met by chance in a park. This man called himself both Midnight Magic and also Alan Freed, Jr. From the first moment I had the obvious suspicion that I was being conned, but chose to take the risk anyway. Well upon realization of the truth, I was understandably annoyed and created these web pages to tell the tale and let others do so as well.

Now, many years later (2012), it's time for an update. The comments section had been taken over by ad-bots to the tune of over 10,000 false postings, and desperately needed to be cleaned up. News of the TRUE Alan J. Freed has been brought to my attention. And one person is even taking the fake Alan Freed Jr. to court. Meanwhile, the cons continue, and a gullible but well-meaning few continue to be conned by a liar, just as I was. So I had a bit of work to do to clean up these pages. I hope you are...uhh...entertained?

Some time back, I was given the following information by a helpful individual, in regards to our "Midnight Magic" AKA "Alan Freed Jr." person. As far as I know it's true. Quoting, "...the real Alan Freed, Jr., the youngest son of disc jockey Alan Freed, is a civil rights attorney who lives in Milwaukee WI and practices law for a non-profit public interest law firm called Disability Rights Wisconsin." Please use the link near the bottom of this page to see the information I have found on THAT Alan Freed, Jr.


Con Man Midnight Magic
An annoyed con man "Midnight Magic"

He sings, if you call it singing. Nice touch!
AND...he chooses to buy new Sports Memorabilia with your conned money! How sweet!

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My Experience

My Open Letter To "Mightnight Magic"

The Real Alan Freed Jr.

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