Suffice it to say, the "Midnight Magic" person is NOT the REAL
Alan Freed, Jr.. I even hazard the guess "Midnight Magic" is also a pseudonym.
To quote a helpful person who contacted me (I can only guess this is accurate):
"...the real Alan Freed, Jr., the youngest son of disc jockey Alan Freed, is a
civil rights attorney who lives in Milwaukee WI and practices law for a non-profit
public interest law firm called Disability Rights Wisconsin."
Let me make this very clear...according to that information, Alan Freed, Jr.,
Attorney at Law, in Wisconsin, is not walking the streets of San Francisco
conning people ouf of petty cash!
The REAL Alan Freed, Jr. is Supervising Attorney at Disability
Rights Wisconsin.
Disability Rights Wisconsin Alan Freed...Speaks in Support of RTA..AVI Here is the link I have to the REAL Alan Freed, Jr.'s profile on Linked In: Alan Freed, Jr. Linked In In case Linked In changes the URL on us, doing this Google search will probably get you the REAL Alan Freed, Jr.: "alan freed, Jr." attorney milwaukee There may very well be other Alan Freed, Jrs. among us who are also not scamming people for petty cash! There may even be others who call themselves Midnight Magic who are not the person mentioned on these web pages. |