. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .AMULETS, CHARMS, TALISMANS
How to Assemble the Love Charm Acquire a small container to hold the herbs, such as a drawstring bag or a small box. This container will become the charm, so if you wish to carry the charm on your person or to keep it in a special place, keep this in mind when choosing the container. For the purpose of explaining how to assemble the charm, directions will be given using a drawstring bag as the example. Attention should be paid to the assembly of the bag and the choice of items to be included. The effort and the feeling placed into the making of the love charm is what instills it with its powers more than any other step in the process. Therefore, focusing on what you are assembling and what result you wish to obtain out of it is key. The color of the bag should be one you personally like or one that seems to fit the situation. In most magick systems, colors do have meanings, but the colors differ depending on which system one is using. You can, of course,if you believe it will further enhance the symbolism you are instilling in your charm, look up the meanings of colors in the magick system you prefer. Red and pink are often colors associated with love spells, although there are other systems that cite green or purple. As with all things magick, it all depends. Use a color YOU associate with love -- your own personal associations should always take precedence. The ingredients to place in the bag should be chosen with some care (or at least some rationale behind them). Place an odd number of ingredients in the bag. Because you will need to have at least two different herbs in the bag for this love charm, place at least three items in the bag. Keep the items between three at the least and nine at the most. (Note: Seven, being a number often associated with the planet Venus, is a good number to choose, if practical for the items you've collected, as Venus is often associated with matters of love.) Besides the herbs, other items which are appropriate to use would include personal items of your own or those of your intended; a piece of paper on which you've written the specific goal of the charm (or a sigil for the same, if you are familiar with sigil-making); or anything else that is small enough to fit in the bag and seems appropriate. You could, for instance, get creative and burn a red candle and fashion a small heart out of the wax. While the wax is still warm, it is easy to carve initials into it or a message. Ideas for appropriate ingredients are limitless. Once you have gathered all your ingredients, assemble them and the bag before you and take the time to really focus on what you want. Relax. Visualize. Burn candles and/or incense if they help instill focus for you. If you are familiar with traditional charging methods and have a preferred one, use it here. If you are not familiar with such methods, simply keep in mind that here is where you focus and instill upon the charm you are assembling its purpose. As you focus on your intent, place the ingredients in the bag one by one, staying focused on your intent. Have fun with it. After you're done, close the bag and tie it shut. It is preferable that you do not open it again. You can either keep the bag with you or give it to your intended as a gift. You could alternatively, bury it, throw it in the ocean, or dispose of it in some way that seems to make sense to you. You are done. Bonne chance! |